Instantly something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he got up and was baptized. -Acts 9:18 (NLT)
Looking in the mirror is a whole different experience once Jesus is your Lord and Savior.
Before I was saved, I didn’t know I was in the dark. I didn’t know I had a burlap sack over my head. I thought the way I saw the world was right.
In 2013 came the lowest point of my despair, and like many at their ultimate point of brokenness, I cried out to the Lord. I surrendered my life to Jesus, and He began a remake of my life like I never imagined possible. When the Holy Spirit took residence in my heart, I was filled with a raging fire to learn more about Him, to follow Him all the days of my life, and to do my best to make Him famous. And He can do the same for anyone who will believe!
I used to look in the mirror and see someone who was never good enough. Never worthwhile, and never with any ultimate purpose. Jesus changed all that. He revealed to me that I am a beloved child of the One True King, and in His care, with an amazing purpose in the Great Commission. I pray that if you or someone you know doesn’t see that when looking in the mirror, to consider Jesus. He will show you the reflection of His amazing creation in you that you could never see on your own.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for helping me look in the mirror afresh, a new and true mirror image whom You put before me to see myself as You do. To take me to yet the next level. To remind me of my identity in Christ when I forget. To remind me that, when I step outside myself and look back in, I can see that I am unconditionally loved, and I have that opportunity to do the same outwardly. To continue to learn that the loving response isn’t necessarily backing down or giving in, but to do as Jesus would do.
Thank You for showing me the amazing potential and plans and future and hope You have promised me…it’s so comforting and encouraging to have a peek ahead in the story of my life! 🙂 Please equip me with Your strength and grace and wisdom and joy so I can make you smile in every moment, and please forgive me when I stumble. Please continue to bless my house, and all my loved ones.
Finally, Lord, please hear my prayer, prayed in agreement with my mirror image, knowing it will be done (Mark 11:23-24). Thank you for making a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:19). Thank you for fighting for me; please remind me to be still and to stop struggling in my own strength (Exodus 14:14).
I surrender all to You in faith and obedience–even the very dreams and visions You give me–because You have shown that this is the path to Your blessings (Genesis 22:16-17). Please continue to show me the way as I continue to refine my walk in alignment with You. Please assure my often weak, flesh heart–especially during trying times–that it is so loved by You here on earth, and strengthen it with utter and indomitable assurance in the face of the enemy’s whispers. In Your Son’s holy and powerful name I pray, Amen!
Today’s soundtrack
Third Day’s “Revelation” praises God, the only One who can give us the revelation of His truth in our lives, our identity in Christ, and our true purpose and calling here on earth.
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