If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. -John‬ ‭13:14‬ ‭(NASB‬‬)

Have you seen Jesus in the eye of the storm?

Two weeks after Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast, there are still houses with water in them. The restoration of properties affected by water will take months.

A week ago, I jumped on the opportunity to join a team to gut a coworker’s flooded home. She was actually in the hospital having her baby when she got word that her home was flooded. Can you imagine all the emotions that must’ve been at play?

There was a pile of rubble outside the house taller than me, and every house in the neighborhood had similar piles. We spent hours ripping out drywall and insulation, sweating through masks to protect us from inhaling mold, drywall particles, and insulation.

It was beautiful to see so many people working together not to glorify themselves, but to serve. To help others with no expectation of anything in return. To serve as Jesus, the servant leader, showed us. To show that God works and acts through people, and He shines through when we live and serve for Him.

Today’s soundtrack

Ryan Stevenson’s “In The Eye Of The Storm” reminds us that God is in control, no matter what life brings.