
I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me. -Proverbs 8:17 (NASB)

Never stop praying. -1 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Today marks the beginning of a new year, and people worldwide list the many self improvements they will pledge to stick with.

For us as believers, our resolution for the new year, as it is in every moment, day, and season, is to never stop seeking God. Pursue Him. Find Him in all aspects of your life.

When we do that, He has a way of prioritizing–or de-prioritizing–everything else on our lists. He might add things to our list we never thought of. He’ll definitely reorder our lists according to His will, with Him on the top of it.

But seeking means surrendering our wills and our wants in prayer to Him to do with as He wishes. We are here for His use in this world, for His greater purposes. Seeking is quieting our minds and mouths to hear His still, small voice in our hearts. Seeking is asking Him earnestly what we might not need to feed our senses with from the outside world, that might be corrupting our focus on Him.

And as we seek Him through teachings or readings, may He give us discernment to filter the false and misleading messages and teachers, so that we may find His truth and not what others tell us is His truth. May He help us to show where we’re erecting barriers between Him and us, so He can help us take them down.

May we walk ever closer in His will in this coming year!


Father God,

As always, we come before you with thanks, praise, and adoration.

Please forgive us where we fall short, so that we may get up again and walk with you again.

Help us, Lord, to seek you through Your Word, prayer, and fellowship, so that we may serve you even better this year. Remind us that we step ever closer toward answered prayers in your will. Thank you for making a way where there seems to be no way, and please continue to show us the way. Thank you for the gift of time to heal wounds and strengthen us.

To your glory, help us to exercise our faith walk by showing that we believe in your Word, your promises, and most of all, you.

In Jesus’ incredible name we pray.


Happy new year, true believers!