> *And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. -‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:17‬ ‭(NASB)*

When you’re getting down on yourself and doubting who you are and what you do, that’s “stinkin’ thinkin’,” as a guest pastor told us. And you can already guess whose whispers you’re believing when you take that road.

This same guest pastor shed light on a verse from some of this agent’s favorite in Scripture, on the full armor of God. In the verse above, the Greek for “word” is not *logos* (the written word of God), but *rhema* (the spoken word of God).

In the context of self-doubt and other destructive lines of thought, we can speak God’s truth so that the sword of the Spirit may cut through the falsehood and illusion: that we are more than conquerors; victorious because of Christ’s victory at the cross; made wonderfully and fearfully in His image; and not any of the lies the Adversary would love us to believe.

You are His beautiful creation, forgiven and free, and speaking His truth can dispel even the worst stinkin’ thinkin’.

## Today’s soundtrack

“Beautiful” by MercyMe reminds us of our true identity in Christ.

If this song speaks to you, consider buying it on Amazon Music »