The ultimate force multiplier


The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you, He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. -Deuteronomy 31:8

I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. -Isaiah 45:2

Force multiplication is, in military terms, the idea that one or more factors can make a force more formidable than the same force would be without it. A force multiplier is the factor responsible for dramatically increasing the effectiveness of that force. In war, that could be morale, technology, weather, terrain, strategy, experience, etc.

In our lives as agents of light, we wage spiritual warfare each day, a war invisible to the unbelieving world. To aid in our fight, just as with hundreds of generations before us, we have the ultimate force multiplier: We have the Lord on our side. What’s amazing is that God is behind all of the force multiplicative advantages listed above…and more.

In every moment, God gives us supernatural strength when we have none. He gives us patience, wisdom, and grace when the world smashes every ounce we can muster. He is the limitless, unseen fount of power we can tap into if only we would stop trying to beat the world on its terms or our own.

So, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be dismayed. Don’t fear.

When you walk where God directs your steps, and you are faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, “insurmountable” is a worldly concept. The Lord made all and is greater than all. He is already waiting for you at the summit. The battle is already won, so go forth and plow through to His glory, because you have the ultimate force multiplier on your side.

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  1. Larry

    Great post. Thanks for this.

    • Catalyzing Agent

      Thank you, Larry! God continues to make it clearer to me how he permeates the lives of believers, if only we would look past our own eyes.

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