The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. -Exodus 14:14 (NIV)
In chapter 14 of Exodus, the Israelites were on the run from Pharaoh and his army. God had hardened Pharaoh’s and his men’s hearts to make them give chase. (Remember how God works through every leader and government?)
The Israelites were understandably fearful of Pharaoh and his army bearing down on them as they camped by the sea. There was, in their eyes, no hope. Their choices were to be slaughtered on land or die in the sea trying to flee.
But in the verse above, Moses assured them “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
If you feel like the Israelites, you might think, “Easy for you to say! We have to do something…anything! We have to act!”
I’m a problem solver, and my mind is wired to evaluate and analyze situations and find a way. So it can be especially tough for me when it feels like my back is against a wall and no solution is in sight. But this is where surrendering your issues, situations, and life to God are so, so important.
Can you acknowledge that He is bigger than your problem?
Part of walking victoriously is acknowledging His sovereignty over all things…people, situations, etc. So if you can let go and surrender your flesh’s natural desire to solve your matter in your own strength, He will rightly get the glory when you let Him take over and make a way where there clearly was none in your estimation.
As you know, the Israelites really had no choice. God instructed Moses to part the sea, lead his people over the dry land, and that they would be covered in the rear by God. The Israelites made it through, God hardened the Egyptians hearts to give chase with great difficulty, and then wiped every single Egyptian out. And that’s exactly how it played out: the impossible was made possible.
So, kick back and be passive?
Living a life of faith and trust in the Lord does not mean sloth. You still walk and step out in faith. You still use the gifts God gave you. But there will be times where what you can do won’t be enough. That’s when the oft-used saying, “let go and let God” comes into play.
Sometimes, you have to step aside, get out of your own way, and let God do the impossible in your life…especially when your doubting mind and heart think you’re doomed. God will do for you as He did for the Israelites, so give Him the glory and the credit by letting Him achieve victory through your surrender.
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