
The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” -Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭41-42‬ (HCSB)

Do you ever get so caught up in trying to do the right thing that you end up losing sight of the simple truth? I do.

The verses at the beginning of this post are the last two in Luke 10, where we see Jesus coming to the house of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Though this story about the visit is only a handful of verses long, it’s also sweet and to the point.

Martha lets Jesus in, and He begins teaching. Mary sits obediently at the feet of the Master, letting His teachings flow into her ears and heart. Martha, on the other hand, is stressed out with getting preparations just right for their very important guest.

Both sisters want to please and praise the Lord under the same roof. However, Jesus wants it to be clear that it’s not about how much you do, but that you not let your own busyness become your priority.

Simply put, we are to slow down…stop…and listen to His Word first, not later. When we put His Word in our hearts first, God has a way of then quickly sorting out all our other, lesser, priorities in the proper order.

We all turn into Martha when we let life start to get the better of us, but we can check ourselves and remember to go back to basics like Mary. It’s all about Jesus!

Today’s soundtrack

“Heart of Worship” by Matt Redman is this very struggle of living like Martha but wanting to live again like Mary.