Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” -Mark 5:36 (NIV)
Soon after Jesus dispelled the legion of demons from a man by allowing them to flee into some pigs (who then ran off a cliff), he was told of Jairus’ sick daughter.
As Jesus was en route to his daughter, a woman who’d been bleeding for years, and unsuccessfully treated by many doctors, touched the hem of His garment, instantly healed.
By the time Jesus arrived at Jairus’ home, Jairus’ daughter was proclaimed dead by those in Jairus’ home. Those people asked Jairus why he should bother Jesus if the girl was already dead.
To this, Jesus simply said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
No matter what you’re facing, no matter how impossible and hopeless things seem, there is no force greater than God. He made all things, is the source of all good things, and is greater than all other things. And He made you tougher than you realize. And when you really let go of fear and let God power your walk, you can walk fearlessly.
God has and continues to accomplish the impossible and inexplicable in this world. Let Him empower you to give Him your fear in exchange for peace and the assurance that He will carry you through your season, just as He has every single season before in your life.
Today’s short video is from Our Daily Bread: “It Is Well With My Soul”
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