
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. -Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

Here in the United States, the day after Thanksgiving Day is Black Friday, which has been made a holiday manufactured by marketers since the mid-1900s to sell merchandise to consumers. In past years, consumers have fought and even trampled one another in the name of getting a great deal on merchandise.

A fellow agent shared with me a graphic of the three crosses at Calvary, with the text on it: Only one Black Friday offers eternal savings. Amen to that.

While there is nothing wrong with working and making money, or even buying things, it’s when we put amassing money and things before living for God that we’ve gone astray. We’re then no different from the world, and the world is doing its best to win us over with great deals on material things we don’t need, will give us fleeting happiness, and most certainly can’t be taken with us as we pass to the next world.

If there is one thing for us to clamor for, to hunger for, and to live for, it is to praise the One who loves us, the undeserving, so much that He gave His children eternal salvation. There’s no better deal than that.