The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23 (NASB)
Before I surrendered my life to Jesus, “tomorrow is a new day” was more of a fiercely optimistic way of looking at the world. It was me, in my own strength, deciding to reboot myself emotionally so I could handle the world again.
But the world is so, so relentless in its harshness and busyness. No matter what mantra I’d try to apply to my life, it would only stick as well as a New Year’s resolution…not for long.
But as agents of light, we are redeemed. We no longer have to constantly bear the crushing weight of guilt, frustration, pain, and anguish. We no longer have to worry about the days ahead. We just take our lives one day at a time, and let God start our days fresh, because we pray up our burdens to Him.
Our past mistakes do not define us, no matter how much others, the enemy, or even we! tell ourselves that. God sees us and loves us in our finished state, and when we dwell on our burdens and mistakes, we’re letting Satan get a foothold in our lives, which turns our walk into a stumble. We are travelers in this world, but not of this world, and we can run the race light (Hebrews 12:1-2) by remembering that God removes our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12)
Each day is a new start, with His brilliant light dawning on the steps He lays toward His plans for us. We should walk boldly, joyfully, and victoriously because of this, no matter what worldly circumstances rage around us.
Every morning, thank Him for the new day, and the fresh start He’s afforded you to please Him.
Today’s soundtrack
Casting Crown’s “East to West” reminds us of how much God loves us, so that He gave His only Son to cover our past, present, and future sins.
Casting Crowns – East to West [Live] from casting-crowns on GodTube.
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