Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)
When it seems like the rain will never stop, or the heat is relentless, don’t satisfy the enemy by looking inward and asking, “Why me?” Instead, thank God for choosing you to go through it.
Wait, what?
In Scripture, when has God just laid out gifts for us on a red carpet? When has He given us the express line through trials and tribulations to Easy Street?
The storylines of our lives may seem like the tangled noodles in a giant bowl of pasta, but they’re all intertwined exactly when and where God needs them to be. All we need to do is trust in that, and give our all where we are now. We can pray to Him to give us strength, courage, peace, and joy–yes, joy–to buoy us as we carry on. With God lifting us up, we can operate above our circumstances, rather than slog through them.
No matter what you’re facing, pray to God to help you see the opportunity in it. God can use such events to grow you, shape you, toughen you, sanctify you, and bring you closer to Him. And, most of all, He is glorified when you do these things in His will and make it to the other side.
If you’re facing heat, thank the Lord that He’s got plans in motion that involve you. With that knowledge, you can say, “Bring the heat!”
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