Fulfill your God-given purpose


For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. -Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ (NIV)

A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. -Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ (NKJV)

What’s your passion?

Everyone has something they’re passionate about. For believers, their passions likely reflect or make the Lord known through those passions. Some might be musicians, and combining the power of music with the Good News is immensely powerful. For others, it might be service through their jobs, making Him known through loving and compassionate interactions with the world.

My purpose

For me, it became clear not long after I was saved: I was to begin a ministry. Not necessarily a church, but a ministry…and given my talents and skills He’d cultivated in me even as I was an unbeliever for 40 years, ministry for me meant a distributed method of winning as many of the lost as I could. The seeds being sown in this agency blog are just the beginning. My heart beats powerfully and passionately for that, answering the question I could never answer before I was saved: What am I doing here?

That is my purpose, and I am tireless in it, no matter what the world will throw at me. I finally have this fiery core that powers my walk, and I will use it to serve him unabashedly, unashamedly, with reckless abandon!

What’s your purpose?

Listen to your heart and ask yourself what makes you tick. What is it through which the Lord makes your heart thump? Whatever that is, He will equip you to leverage that to glorify Him.

Every one of us plays a part in the massive stage (or God movie, as one fellow agent calls it) that God oversees. Every interaction and talent is there for a reason, to make something happen according to His will. And everything that you experience now gives you something to learn from to add to your repertoire as you press onward and upward.

Find your purpose, and then you can set objectives and goals to make every moment of your life a song of praise to God. You’ll be playing in harmony with His plans for your life, which is expressly here for His glory.

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re going to end up somewhere else

Dr. Robert Jeffress (Pathway to Victory Ministries) talks about how to plan out your steps to fulfilling God’s plan for your life.

If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’re Going to End Up Somewhere Else – 1050 Teaching from First Dallas on Vimeo.

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  1. THANK YOU for your obedience to our Heavenly Father and taking up your calling to bless ALL peoples who will read your daily devotions. These, have truly, blessed me 🙂 To GOD be the GLORY!!

  2. Catalyzing Agent

    Thank you so much! Indeed, to God goes the glory!

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