So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -1 Corinthians 10:31
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. -Ephesians 4:1
We’re all so busy. For me, reading devotions was my bite-sized gateway as someone new to the faith. I still read them daily, as well as write them. And they’re fine, as long as they supplement a deeper dive into His waters.
Pursue the Lord. Never take your eyes off Him. Live and breathe and eat His Word. Walk with Him.
You will fail at every one of these things. I know I do. So does everyone. We all fall short. But His love and forgiveness is greater than your worst stumble or fall. He’s waiting to pick you up and get right back on the path, to walk the walk with Him.
But how deep can you go in your devotion to the Lord? I believe the answer is: You can never go deep enough.
There is always something you can do better for the Lord…something you might be compromising or hanging on to. But when you do that, you’re choosing that over trusting Him with His very best plans for you. Those things you’re hanging onto are extra bricks you’re unnecessarily carrying. Travel lighter by giving them and entrusting them to Him.
And instead of striving and straining to serve Him, learn His rhythms and let go of yourself…and let the current of His river carry you. It’s easy to forget that He can carry us when we’re plodding through the valleys, isn’t it?
Here’s an excerpt from a Cru devotional on walking evangelism:
Now, more than ever, as followers of Jesus in a post-Christian culture, what we do needs to match what we say. Our faith is not merely intellectual propositions, but rather a life of surrender to One who invites us to go with Him wherever He asks us to go. Will I say, “Yes”?
Today’s soundtrack
For King and Country’s “The Proof of Your Love” asks us our life to show His love:
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