God works through people


Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. -Colossians 3:23-24 (NASB)

An old friend of mine was recently burgled, and many material things were taken, especially belonging to his sons: their computers, game machines, etc. No one was hurt, however, so the loss of property did sting, but nowhere near what darkness could have befallen them.

He texted me the other day, asking if I might be able to help his sons. And that’s where an “I see what You did there, God!” moment appeared: I’ve been a tinkerer since I was a child, and coupled with some perfectly good recent-model laptops I obtained that were discarded for disposal, I knew his sons would have laptops again soon for their schoolwork.

On top of that, I could see that God could be known through how this would be handled. I was helping a friend who’d strayed from God into snake oil territory, so this opportunity might open his eyes. And, my son could help and learn how God works through His children as His hands and feet.

Over a weekend, my son and I refurbished the two laptops, more than good enough to meet a student’s needs. No, they weren’t superpowered machines to play the latest games on, but they seemed to represent exactly how God provides what you need, even if that isn’t a match for what you want.

The last step of this was delivery–and also a good witness. The natural response to receiving a gift is thanks and praise for the giver, but I made sure he knew that my son and I were merely instruments of God’s will, working through us. I wanted my friend to know one thing: God orchestrated the whole thing.

Today’s soundtrack

7eventh Time Down’s “God Is On The Move” reminds us that God works through people.

Buy “God Is On The Move” on Amazon »

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  1. Barbara


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