
The Lord said to Moses, “I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’ ” -Exodus 16:11-12

Let’s jump back to the Israelites, post-Egypt, as mentioned in the previous post in this series. They’d lived through torment under Pharaoh, but rescued by the Lord in the Red Sea when there clearly was no future in sight…it looked like death was imminent. And they doubted their rescue, because they only saw death by sword or drowning in the sea. It’s as if they tuned out the Lord’s promise to save them.

Then, they went through the desert, but not without some serious complaining and backseat driving. Despite all their time out and about in the wilderness, the Lord provided for them. At one point, God even gave them quail out of their ears AND manna He freely gave them. He gave them water from rocks…ROCKS!…when there was no water to be found.

God is patient and gracious, is He not? He even supplies our needs when we’re doing a less than great job following His lead.

So don’t be discouraged when you’re stumbling or even complaining to the Lord about your situation. He does hear you. Just remember to count your blessings, because you actually have more than you can stay awake to count from the moment you rise to the moment you fall asleep.

And having that attitude of gratitude sure makes the journey easier when your perspective can see blessings all around you. When you do that, the more obvious blessings are that much sweeter.

Stay tuned for the next installment!