prayer-500sqI wrote this prayer in 2013, and update it and pray it from time to time to reboot…it’s kind of my unabridged version of the so-called “sinner’s prayer” said during altar calls. I hope you find it helpful.

Almighty Father,

As the creator of the universe, of all things seen and unseen, and the author of life, I am truly humbled and thankful for the privilege of talking to You.

I confess my sins to You, Lord, for I fall so short of Your glory. I cannot honestly say I did my absolute best to glorify Your name in everything I have said and done. Though I truly love and adore You, if I wholeheartedly burned for You—if I were all in—I would fare better in the face of the enemy’s many temptations.

I unnecessarily complicate my life in my own strength, and need the simplicity that can only come with complete reliance and trust in You.

Lord, I repent of my sins, the greatest of which is taking my eyes off You, thinking I could handle and overcome sin in my own strength. And as quickly as I ask, I know that You have forgiven me, for Your love is so great that You gave the world Your son for our salvation. I cannot thank You enough for the unfathomable depth of Your grace and forgiveness.

I rededicate myself to You, Lord, and ask that You relieve my heart of its burdens, replacing it with hunger and thirst for You…to build a stronger relationship with You; to glorify and magnify Your name in thought, word and deed; and to never take my eyes off You. Please grant me Your strength to avert my heart’s eyes from sin and temptation, Your grace so that my thoughts and actions are pure and pleasing, and Your discernment to identify the enemy in all his forms.

Please search my heart and know its deepest desires, and then please bend it in alignment with Your will. Please sift my desires through Your word, leaving only what matters to You. I want to completely dedicate and surrender myself to You, and for You to use me and my schedule to serve Your needs. I am all in, Lord Jesus.

Thank you, Father, for every trial and struggle, for I know each is an opportunity to strengthen and deepen my faith. I abide in You because I have no doubts of your steadfastness and faithfulness in Your plans for me. I thank you for placing me at this point in time in this world to be a light and witness to Your greatness, especially in the face of a world so dark and compromising in its integrity. I thank You for entrusting me with such a magnificent opportunity of faith, which would be impossibly overwhelming without You. I am no one without You, but with You, I am empowered, and proudly carry Your light and proclaim Your holy name.

Thank you for setting my heart afire once more with Your Spirit, and with Your help, I will be an awesome steward of the spiritual gifts You have given me.

Please bless and watch over my family and friends, and walk through their houses and heal them completely of all that ails them, so they might serve You even better. Please help Your servants, like me, to intrigue unbelievers so they might inquire about the fire and peace we harbor, so we may tell them more about You. And please help Your servants, as your lights in this dark world, build each other up and spur each other on toward Christlikeness.

I love and praise You in the highest, and in Jesus’ name I pray.
