Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14 (NIV)
In this world, it’s a given that we believers walk in the midst of throngs of unbelievers. We walk among those who consider us ignorant, backward, and uninformed.
That’s okay. It’s a known that, at the core of our belief systems and world views, that we’re essentially incompatible, moving in two different directions. And because of that, we must take care not to connect too closely.
When two animals are yoked, they are connected in a way that only works best when they move in the same direction. In terms of personal relationships, a domineering member yoked to a yielding member will cause them to go in circles. In friendships, yoking can cause serious friction when core values clash. But most critically, marrying someone who isn’t a believer will cause–eventually, if not immediately–heartbreak that could extend even to your progeny.
This isn’t to say to avoid unbelievers, because that’s almost impossible in a world of unbelievers. In fact, this agent would say it’s best to make the most of our walk and associations with unbelievers, because the Lord may be using us to win more of the lost to His glory.
The caution is to not take on a yoke…a binding connection…that will compromise the values you’ve ascribed to under God. Because this world has a way of telling you and convincing you, if not outright coercing you, that if you don’t change your views or path to go with theirs, you are wrong and evil.
But they know not what they do, and they cannot understand or make sense of God’s truth till they see it for themselves. Till then, continue to walk in their midst, but never forget the significance of the yoke.
Donna kiser
This was wonderful. Thank you
Catalyzing Agent
Thank you, Donna! I simply share what God is teaching me through my own life. All glory and honor to Him!