Down, but never out


We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. -2 Corinthians 4:8-9

There are days, and weeks, and seasons, when we feel shattered and smashed and decimated by life. It may be people or circumstances. It may be both that combine to make life seemingly unlivable.

But let me tell you, fellow agent, that as I write this, I am going through the toughest trial I have ever faced. One day I will share them as a testimony to His unrelenting mercy and steadfastness.

Till then, watch as I chronicle my journey in Christ here. The words I put to this blog are what He shows me each day as He carries me through the rockiest, darkest valleys and the highest, gleaming mountaintops. As you walk with me, you can witness His work in me. I take no credit for it. He has His reasons for our journeys, and we will look back and be stronger and more Christlike for it. All glory and credit go to the Lord!

So take heart, true believer. Each of us suffers in unique ways. We each carry burdens and face trials we never planned on. But I testify to you now that with the maker of Heaven and earth carrying us through it all, especially when we cannot breathe or walk on our own, we are uplifted by the mightiest force of all. Through all circumstances, our hearts are filled with joy and strength and courage and hope and wisdom, if only we let Him carry us.

Today’s soundtrack

For King & Country’s “Shoulders” powerfully illustrates how He carries us on His shoulders:

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1 Comment

  1. I can truly say, “Amen!” to today’s post. God will certainly carry us through our trials. I faced a very difficult trial back in 2007, but through it all, God did give me the strength to overcome it and while waiting on Him, He gave me words which I was able to pen into a poem. The poem is called, “Yesterday/Today” and it goes like this……

    Yesterday, my world was turned upside down
    Today, my Savior gave me Hope

    Yesterday, I dwelled in darkness and solitude
    Today, the Son has given me His Light and Friendship

    Yesterday, my soul drowned in tears
    Today, my lips sing of His unfailing Love

    Yesterday, my heart pumped with anger
    Today, it beats with Compassion and Forgiveness

    Today, with my Redeemer’s help
    I will press onward and forget, Yesterday

    So, fellow Agent, keep looking ahead and know that He will help you overcome your trial(s).

    God bless,

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